Rydych yma: Hafan > Tystebau


"Rydym yn hynod o ddiolchgar i Mr Gerallt Richards am roi gwersi ychwanegol i'r ferch cyn eu haroliadau TGAU. Mwynhaodd y gwersi yn fawr iawn gydag ef ac roedd y gallu ganddo i symleiddio ac egluro rhannau anoddaf y cwricwlwm mathemateg gan sicrhau dealltwriaeth lawn.   Tyfodd ei hyder yn y pwnc. Roedd Mr Gerallt Richards yn brydlon a  phroffesiynol iawn bob amser, rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn iddo am ei wasanaeth."


Teleri Pugh, Llanuwchllyn

"Our daughter has been a student of Gerallt for many years. It has been evident during her academic development that she has consistently improved and become confident in the application of skills learnt thanks to his help. Gerallt is able to simplify and explain the most difficult parts of the curriculum ensuring full understanding was achieved. We are so grateful for his services and every day we see the benefits and cannot recommend his services enough. Gerallt shows true passion in teaching and empowers his students to succeed."

Bethan and Dave, Corwen

"Gerallt worked with one of our pupils over a period of several years. He was able to fully teach the WJEC Maths GCSE qualification to a high standard. The pupil and school were delighted with the result. The pupil’s enthusiasm and intrigue for Maths were nurtured by Gerallt so much that the pupil went on to study Maths at A-Level. During this time, Gerallt was able to provide regular revision and consolidation support in addition to college lessons and learning. Again, everyone was proud of the overall grade outcomes at both A2 and A-Level. 

We are all appreciative of the hard work, thorough planning and positive support Gerallt consistently provided."

Llio Eiri, The Principal, Aran Hall School, SENAD Plc

Rhydymain, Dolgellau

"We are fortunate to know Mr Richards for the best part of almost ten years.  During this period, he has taught mathematics to all three of our children, ranging from year 7 to GCSE standard. It is due to his gregarious manner and mathematical intelligence that our children enjoyed his lessons and therefore began to understand mathematics. His ability to explain and gain understanding of mathematics to our children will be forever appreciated."

Dei and Debbie Edwards, Llanfor, Bala

"Gerallt supported my daughter when she was working towards her GCSEs.  She was studying in a Welsh medium set at school, so his ability to offer tuition through Welsh and English was brilliant, as it meant that she didn't have to learn new terminology.  He was always well prepared and organised, and following tuition sessions would provide, or email through, additional tasks to work on, thus maintaining the momentum.  

As the Welsh curriculum contains a Mathematics and Numeracy at GCSE, he was able to tailor sessions to cover both areas, depending on where my daughter needed support.  Despite the subject matter (my comment, not my daughters) she did enjoy the sessions and looked forward to them, demonstrating Gerallt's ability to build rapport quickly. I personally believe that the support given improved my daughter’s final results."

Jeanette Edwards, Cynwyd

Manylion Cyswllt

Gyrrwch e-bost am fwy o fanylion
